ClamAV module --> MailScanner keeps on spawning childs

Julian Field mailscanner at
Mon Nov 24 08:55:05 GMT 2003

At 08:49 24/11/2003, you wrote:
>Hi Julian,
>I just tried to use Mail::ClamAV module with 4.25.9. If I run it in
>Debug mode things work out. All virus scanners work including the ClamAV
>Module. But if I start it with Debug = no MailScanner keeps on spawning
>childs and does not seem to stop. What can I do to narrow down the

Not a lot, easily. Other people have got it working, so it must be OS-specific.

>BTW: Is there any real advantage in using the module?

Not a huge amount. clamscan starts up very quickly anyway, so the gain is
pretty marginal.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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