MailScanner not behaving - endless loop?

Robert Waldner waldner at WALDNER.PRIV.AT
Thu Nov 20 17:08:59 GMT 2003

On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 16:43:28 GMT, Julian Field writes:
>Also, if running as non-root, ensure that the user can write to all of

MailScanner's running as root:smmsp here. And it delivers mail fine,
 marking spam via SA and finding viruses with ClamAV and f-prot, it's 
 just the one or two processes which do nothing but eat CPU.

27667 root      20   0 30892 3156  3116 R    94.9  2.2 113:15 MailScanner

This process, for example, did not a single syscall in the last 3 hours, 
 according to strace -v -F -F. Other MailScanner processes come and go 
 and Just Work. It has the following filedescriptors open:

lr-x------    1 root     root           64 Nov 20 18:06 0 -> /dev/null
l-wx------    1 root     root           64 Nov 20 18:06 1 -> /dev/null
l-wx------    1 root     root           64 Nov 20 18:06 2 -> /dev/null
lrwx------    1 root     root           64 Nov 20 18:06 3 -> socket:[211931924]
lr-x------    1 root     root           64 Nov 20 18:06 4 -> /usr/local/MailScanner/lib/MailScanner/
lr-x------    1 root     root           64 Nov 20 18:06 5 -> /usr/local/MailScanner/lib/MailScanner/
lrwx------    1 root     root           64 Nov 20 18:06 6 -> /var/spool/.spamassassin/bayes_toks
lrwx------    1 root     root           64 Nov 20 18:06 7 -> /var/spool/.spamassassin/bayes_seen
lrwx------    1 root     root           64 Nov 20 18:06 8 -> /var/spool/.spamassassin/

And it can't be a permission problem, IMHO, because the other 
 MailScanner processes behave. Note that all this started when I 
 upgraded from 4.23 to 4.25.6.

drwxrws--T    3 root     mail         8192 Nov 20 18:03 .spamassassin
drwxr-s---    2 root     smmsp        8192 Nov 20 18:04 mqueue
drwxr-s---    2 root     root        49152 Nov 20 18:04

drwxr-xr-x    9 root     root         4096 Nov 20 17:31 incoming
drwxr-sr-x   18 root     root         4096 Nov 20 00:13 quarantine

-- Too much is just enough.
-- Mark Twain (on whiskey)

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