addition to the FAQ: how to roll out IPBlock

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Nov 19 17:43:04 GMT 2003

At 15:20 19/11/2003, you wrote:
>    I wrote a small essay in the FAQ about how I set up
>and tested the CustomConfig IPBlock feature at my site;
>ie on a production server already running MS.  I hope that
>it is useful to somebody out there.  See:
>I hope this handy feature solves some of my problems with
>spam trojans on student machines at our site.

Thanks for writing that, I'm sure people will find it helpful.

On the subject of specifying netblocks, CIDR addresses and other ranges, do
you want
1) the limit to apply to the whole of the netblock in total?
2) the limit to apply to each IP number in the netblock?

It will affect the implementation quite a bit. I'm basically going to have
to rewrite IPBlock to support these, and I don't want to do it more times
than I have to :-)
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
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