Who owns MIME::Tools? [Was: Re: Error Starting MS in Debog mode]

Jan-Peter Koopmann Jan-Peter.Koopmann at SECEIDOS.DE
Tue Nov 18 10:15:03 GMT 2003

> perhaps a piece of documentation is needed and update the 
> freebsd port for MS to take it out of the prerequisites 
> (assuming it's there) and make the user hand install it! Yes 
> it makes it a little more 'troublesome' to install, but 

It would make the mailscanner-port a lot more complicated... and less
compliant. What is your suggestion? Maybe I can implement it.

> installing MS is hardly rocket science once you've read the 
> docs (now configuring the thing is a different
> matter:-)

You cannot imagine the questions that pop up here... :-) Telling people
to patch the MIME::Tools libs is something I would really like to avoid!


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