Rule-sets within a Rule-set

Giovanni Degani tiefoxlista at TERRA.COM.BR
Sat Nov 15 19:53:30 GMT 2003

This is my first Posting on this list,.
I was wodereing with it is possibile to use this exemple setup:

Use the spam whitelist with a rule set:
Is Definitely Not Spam = /opt/MailScanner/etc/rules/spam.whitelist.rules

Then inside the "/opt/MailScanner/etc/rules/spam.whitelist.rules" file
have something like this:

# This is where you can build a Spam WhiteList
# Addresses matching in here, with the value
# "yes" will never be marked as spam.
#From:          152.78.         yes
#From:          130.246.        yes
To:               userone
To:               usertwo
FromOrTo:       default         no

then in the "/opt/MailScanner/etc/rules/users/spam.whitelist.userone.rules"

is where the actual white list rule set is, but for individual users on
the server.

It is possible to use this now? or easy to implement?

Thank you!

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