Very large queue and very long delays

Julian Field mailscanner at
Fri Nov 14 15:02:03 GMT 2003

Are you using Razor? If so, read the Razor documentation to find out how to
refresh ("discover" in razor terms) the list of Razor servers. This is most
likely the problem.

At 14:40 14/11/2003, you wrote:
>I'm using mailscanner 4.24-5 in debian woody with sendmail 8.12.3 and
>kernel 2.4.22.
>Almost everyday my grows up to 2000 emails pending to be
>delivered (or queued at mqueue directory) and the delay of some mails
>reaches 3 hours!
>The mqueue directory has always about 200 mails pending what is reasonble.
>I've tried to decrease the Queue Scan Interval to 2, to increase the
>Max Children to 10 (I've got a 2,4 PIV with 1GB of RAM) and to try
>Delivery Method to queue and to batch (without any differences). The load
>is never over 0.7 (maybe more just when MS starts).
>I have disabled the RBL checks setting "Spam List = " and setting
>skip_rbl_checks 1 in /opt/MailScanner/etc/spam.assassin.prefs.conf
>and I have enabled my sendmail to check the though
>MS keeps logging lots of "SpamAssassin timed out and was killed."
>MS seems to not to change its behaviour processing the queue and after
>some hours after when the number of mails per hour decreases from
>about 3000 to about 600 the queue keeps growing and growing.
>Doew anyone any ideas?
>Ramon Acedo

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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