Dual TO: names in Mailwatch

Pete Russell pete at EATATHOME.COM.AU
Tue Nov 11 00:59:26 GMT 2003

Thanks, i want to use bayes i think - i have checked and the
spam.assassin.prefs.conf has the use_bayes 0 commented out
# use_bayes 0

this means bayes is working? and when i use the sa-learn functions of
mailwatch 3, that mail will be learned as spam or ham? Is there anything
else i need to do, i have not touched any settings in mailscanner regarding
bayes, and only action and scores regarding spamassassin

thanks in advance

-----Original Message-----
From: MailScanner mailing list [mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK]On
Behalf Of Steve Freegard
Sent: Tuesday, 11 November 2003 1:23 AM
Subject: Re: Dual TO: names in Mailwatch

Hi Pete,

You can still use the quarantine release functions even if you don't use
bayes, the sa-learn function will still work, but would be redundant in this

Bayes is fantastic - it makes a huge difference to the amount of spam you
catch - see http://www.paulgraham.com/spam.html for info on bayes.

You could always enable it (it'll take a while for it to autolearn the
required 200 spam and 200 not-spam anyway) and see if your machine copes
with it and disable it again if it doesn't.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pete russell <pete at EATATHOME.COM.AU>
Sent: Mon Nov 10 14:11:09 2003
Subject: Re: Dual TO: names in Mailwatch

-----Original Message-----
From: Pete russell [mailto:pete at eatathome.com.au]
Sent: Tuesday, 11 November 2003 1:09 AM
To: 'MailScanner mailing list'
Subject: RE: Dual TO: names in Mailwatch

Thanks - don't put in too much effort, its not the end of the world,
just a nice to have.

While I have your ear - on my production system, mailwatch 0.3,  I have
use_bayes 0 commented out (as default) in the spam.assassin.prefs.conf
file. ( I don't know anything about bayes to warrant turning it on).

Does this mean that the learn features/functions in the quarantine page
don't actually work? It cannot learn from here, without using bayes? But
I can still use this tool to release the mail to the user?

If the above is true, and I have a very low spec machine, do I need ot
turn on bayes, and to do this, all I need to do is uncomment that file?

If a response requires too much detail for here, could you point me
towards further reading?

Kind regards and thanks

-----Original Message-----
From: MailScanner mailing list [mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On
Behalf Of Steve Freegard
Sent: Tuesday, 11 November 2003 12:59 AM
Subject: Re: Dual TO: names in Mailwatch

Hi Pete,

This is a MailScanner or Postfix issue as MailWatch only uses
from MailScanner's $message object which is populated by MailScanner
parseing the Postfix message file.

You'll also find the same problem of duplicated 'To' entries in the
notices as reported by someone else.

The postcat command didn't really give me much to go on at all (thought
be better than that) - so I'll have a Google around and see if I can
any info about the file spec for Postfix and see if I can find the


-----Original Message-----
From: Pete russell <pete at EATATHOME.COM.AU>
Sent: Mon Nov 10 13:47:28 2003
Subject: Re: Dual TO: names in Mailwatch

Funny, this happened ona %100 fresh install of mailscanner and fedora
and MW .4 - my previous post was regarding my existing MW .3 machines.

If you do find a fault I can repair myself, please le tme know as I
would like to fix the .3 install on the production servers - cos I wont
be moving to .4 just yet.


-----Original Message-----
From: MailScanner mailing list [mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On
Behalf Of Steve Freegard
Sent: Tuesday, 11 November 2003 12:37 AM
Subject: Re: Dual TO: names in Mailwatch

Hi Pete,

Can you stop the outbound queue runner temporarily to stop the messages
have been processed by MailScanner from being delievered, then run the
'postcat' command across one of the messages and post the output to the

Kind regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Pete russell <pete at EATATHOME.COM.AU>
Sent: Mon Nov 10 08:38:36 2003
Subject: Dual TO: names in Mailwatch

I have the latest version of mailwatch, mailscanner, postfix, mysql and
RH9 - in the TO: column, when looking at recent messages, all the names
are listed twice - this also makes the Top Recipients by Volume graph
unreadable as the legend has 2 entries for each person. Doesn't seem
like we are getting 2 deliveries though, and doesn't seem like anything
is written twice to the maillog.

Any ideas?


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