Mail scanner help

Peter Peters P.G.M.Peters at
Fri Nov 7 11:12:52 GMT 2003

On Fri, 7 Nov 2003 02:55:30 -0800, you wrote:

>Here is what i got from the log file :-
>Nov  6 16:04:54 hulk sendmail[528]: [ID 801593 mail.crit] NOQUEUE: SYSERR(root):  opendaemonsocket: daemon MTA-IPv4: cannot bind: Address already in use
>Nov  6 16:04:54 hulk sendmail[528]: [ID 702911 mail.alert] daemon MTA-IPv4: problem creating SMTP socket

This indicates there is allready another sendmail running. You get these
message whenever you start MailScanner? In that case you didn't disable
the normal sendmail startup.

If this occurs in regular intervals you could have some script running
that tries to start sendmail ofr some reason (we have had this).

Peter Peters, senior netwerkbeheerder
Dienst Informatietechnologie, Bibliotheek en Educatie (ITBE)
Universiteit Twente,  Postbus 217,  7500 AE  Enschede
telefoon: 053 - 489 2301, fax: 053 - 489 2383,

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