stored.content.message.txt and {DANGEROUS?} .. foundform

Magda Hewryk mhewryk at SYMCOR.COM
Thu Nov 6 15:38:33 GMT 2003

We updated MailScanner from 4.21-9 to 4.24-5 and since then I'm getting a
lot of complains from users that we are stripping html forms from all valid
sources like banks, weather networks, etc.

Is this something about Silent Viruses?  How can I stop it?  How can I let
MailScanner know that I want those forms to go through. Which forms are
they?  I did not overwritten MailScanner.conf file, I use the old one from
4.21-9 version so why the form are stripped now?

Where the {DANGEROUS?}is coming from?

I can't see any references about {DANGEROUS?}  and a
stored.content.message.txt file (which is the warning a user is getting) in
the MailScanner.conf file so I don't know to which form tag the message is
attached to.

Any help?

Some MailScaner.conf settings:

Silent Viruses = HTML-IFrame Klez Yaha-E Bugbear Braid-A WinEvar Palyh
Sobig Fizzer # mnh T136
#Silent Viruses = HTML-IFrame All-Viruses Klez Yaha-E Bugbear Braid-A
WinEvar Palyh Sobig Fizzer   # mnh T136
Still Deliver Silent Viruses = yes
Allow IFrame Tags = yes       #mnh T116
Log IFrame Tags = yes      #T116
Allow Object Codebase Tags = no
Convert Dangerous HTML To Text = no
Convert HTML To Text = no

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