no spam score for non-spam

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Nov 5 15:38:01 GMT 2003

At 15:15 05/11/2003, you wrote:
> > Julian,
> >
> >    4.24-5, spamassassin 2.60 in use (plus razor).  I've just noticed
> > that my non-spam email gets no spam report/spam score/lines of ssss's.
> > This must have changed since my upgrade from 4.23-11.  Stuff above my
> > spam threshold of 5 gets the detailed report:
> >
> > X-Colby-MailScanner-SpamCheck: spam, SpamAssassin
> > (score=7.724, required 5,
> >     BAYES_99 5.40, HTML_60_70 0.11, HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_02 1.23,
> > X-Colby-MailScanner-SpamScore: 7
> >                                 ^^^^^^
> >                                 Where's the fractional portion?
> >
>A few versions ago, there wasn't a number, but a character.  The number of
>character told you what was the score, so there has never been any
>fractionnal portion.
>X-Colby-MailScanner-SpamScore: sssssss
>   I don't know if Julian could change that in a later version, but it is
> not a config problem.

I added the option to have the number instead of the sssssss string when
someone requested it. It needed to be an integer for them as they were
trying to make it work with an ActiveState system they had which could just
about cope if there was only an integer there. I didn't figure the lack of
the fractions was a problem as the full score is in the other header anyway.

> > but stuff below my threshold gets zilch in the mail headers,
> > except for
> > the "found to be clean".  This is not what I want (or expect
> > from my settings,
> > see attached).  I would like the detailed SpamAssassin stuff
> > for messages above
> > the threshold (like above), but just a single line like:
> >
> > X-Colby-MailScanner-SpamScore: 3.680
> >
> > for message below the threshold.  Misconfiguration on my
> > part, or logic
> > bug?

I originally wanted no spam headers if it wasn't spam. You can force it to
put the SA report in non-spam already.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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