Wacky Request...

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Wed Nov 5 09:55:19 GMT 2003

This is exactly what the "auto-whitelist" functionality in SpamAssassin does.
It has been discussed many times here before, and after a very thorough
investigation (can't remember by whom, sorry) it is agreed that this is
best left switched off as it is fairly easy for a spammer to defeat.

Handling messages coming from a dialup IP address is exactly what the
"MAPS-DUL" Spam List is for.

At 22:36 04/11/2003, you wrote:

>Has anyone seen or done any development on a selective white list
>onlysolution based on spam scores?
>Id really be interested in a solution that basically requires an
>affirmation by the sender of emails with scores ranging from 5 to say 15.
>Im still ok with deleting ones over 15, but I do have a fair number of
>false positives in the 10-12 range.
>Id also be interested in something similar for all emails from
>dialup/broadband IPs (or any specialRBL).
>Anyways, just a thought.

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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