Urgent help needed: mailscanner not processing mail

Dan Bowen dbowen1 at MAC.COM
Tue Nov 4 19:37:58 GMT 2003

Check your mail.log for that message ID, I've come across a similar
problem where MailScanner's TNEF dies upon opening certain
attachements, and MailScanner gets stuck in a loop dying on that one
message.  removing that message from the mqueue.in or equivalent
alleviates the problem here.   I'm running MailScanner  4.14-9 on Mac
OS X 10.2.6 (apple darwin) with Sendmail and the Perl TNEF decoder.
Dan Bowen
Oak Ridge Schools
Oak Ridge, TN

On Monday, November 3, 2003, at 09:50  PM, Ron E. wrote:

> This is urgent, for anyone who may see this and has any ideas on a
> workaround -
> I am running MailScanner 4.21-4 and Postfix on RH9. All has been well
> for
> months.
> A few hours ago MailScanner stopped passing any messages to my mta -
> the
> number of messages in postfix.in/deferred continues to rise - restarts
> of
> mailscanner and a server reboot have not rectified the situation.
> Occasionally some mail gets passed to my mta but very little and the
> backlog continues to mount. Also numerous entries in the maillog that
> say
> things like:
> Nov  4 03:41:16 smtp postfix/qmgr[2196]: BF97D160A3D: skipped, still
> being
> delivered
> Any ideas would be welcome.
> Thanks!
> -Ron

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