workaround for "file size limit exceeded" messages?

Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue Nov 4 12:31:33 GMT 2003

Good point. Sorry for the lousy code. The attached patch might work
slightly better.
You did keep your unpatched original file, didn't you? :)

At 11:07 04/11/2003, Spicer, Kevin wrote:
>Julian Field wrote:
> > Please can you try the attached patch for
> > /usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/
> >
> > Copy the patch file into /tmp and do this
> >          cd /usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner
> >          patch -p0 < /tmp/
>This causes me false positives, but.....
>I managed to catch an affected file and this is what I found, first
>calling clamscan without arguments
>clamscan message .zip
> File size limit exceeded.
> Worm.Mimail.C FOUND
>----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
>Known viruses: 9922
>Scanned directories: 0
>Scanned files: 2
>Infected files: 1
>Data scanned: 0.01 Mb
>I/O buffer size: 131072 bytes
>Time: 0.740 sec (0 m 0 s)
>==== END CLAM OUTPUT =======
>Then as it would be called by MailScanner
>clamscan --unzip --unarj --unrar --tar --tgz --lha
>/var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/20031104/hA49pcRQ030174/ File
>size limit exceeded.
>unzip:  cannot find
>or /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/20031104/hA49pcRQ030174/
>/root/tmp/cba5c20453d3d300: Can't open directory.
>Worm.Mimail.C FOUND
>----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
>Known viruses: 9922
>Scanned directories: 1
>Scanned files: 2
>Infected files: 1
>Data scanned: 0.01 Mb
>I/O buffer size: 131072 bytes
>Time: 0.322 sec (0 m 0 s)
>==== END CLAM OUTPUT =======
>So the problem is caused by the --unzip option, which causes the internal
>scanning engine to prefix (raw).  The unzip option is actually
>unnecessary.  --unzip means 'if clams internal unzipper fails then fall
>back to looking for an external unzip program in the path'.  But I'd
>rather not remove it as its a second line of defence should the internal
>unzipper fail, plus I suspect the other arguments will cause similar behaviour.
>So... I think I've now fixed this with the attached patch  (I reverted
>Julian's patch from last night first because it was causing some false
>Julian.  There are two other issues with the clam wrapper, caused by the
>fact it changes user to 'clam' to run external programs.
>1) The default tmpdir (/root/tmp) isn't writable by clam, therefore it
>can't unzip using an external program.  We need to specify
>--tempdir=/some/writable/path in the wrapper script.  Perhaps the wrapper
>should check for and create a clam writable subdir of
>/var/spool/MailScanner/incoming ???
>2) Because it changes user it can't read the original files which have
>restrictive permissions.  Maybe we need a mailscanner group which
>clam  (and any other virus scanner users) can be a member of which have
>read permissions on the whole of the incoming tree?
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Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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