News---Re: virus from '' not blocked?

Peter Bonivart peter at UCGBOOK.COM
Thu May 29 10:16:46 IST 2003

Oops, do I feel good about apologizing in advance now? :-) I haven't
gone into production yet so this was me asking for help. I have only
done some restricted tests so far. I meant that I ignored it to get it
up and running quicker, not that I would have ignored it forever. I
usually do notice stuff in bold. :-)

With your instruction I now managed to patch the source and build it on
my home server and will try it at work tomorrow.

Thanks for all your help Julian.

/Peter Bonivart

--Unix lovers do it in the Sun

On Thu, 2003-05-29 at 10:25, Julian Field wrote:
> At 09:09 29/05/2003, you wrote:
> > Excuse me for being stupid in advance but I know virtually nothing
> > about
> > Perl and when I installed the required modules for MailScanner I
> > used
> > CPAN as recommended.
> >
> > # perl -MCPAN -e shell
> > cpan> install SOME::MODULE
> >
> > I silently ignored your patches because I didn't know how to apply
> > them.
> <aargh>
> Sorry but surely this is pretty clear:
>       * MIME-tools with an important security patch,
>       * and a 2nd important security patch,
>       * and a 3rd important security patch,
>       * and a 4th important security patch
> Doesn't that make the point that the patches might be worth applying?
> The basic modules are indeed all available from CPAN, but the security
> patches are not, which is partly why they are in bold. They are very
> important.
> If you had followed the MIME-tools link, you would have been able to
> download the source. On unpacking it, you would have discovered a file
> called "Installing" which tells you how to build it.
> I admit I assumed you knew a bit about how to apply a patch (hint: use
> the "patch" command) but you could always have asked for help rather
> than just ignoring what were clearly labelled as "important security
> patches".
> You need to download the source, patch it, then build and install it.
> </aargh>
> I have just added the following to the web page that lists all this
> stuff:
> In order to apply the patches to MIME-tools, you will have to download
> the source (follow the MIME-tools link above), unpack it, apply the 4
> patches and then build and install the module by hand. If you don't
> know how to apply patches, read "man patch". If you don't know how to
> install a Perl module, then read the "Installing" file in the
> MIME-tools package you are about to download.
> Hopefully this is now clearer.

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