virus from '' not blocked?

Craig Pratt craig at STRONG-BOX.NET
Tue May 27 21:47:02 IST 2003

On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 01:36  PM, Remco Barendse wrote:
> I have just received the virus that claims to be from
> support at
> The weird thing it, it isn't filtered at all.

I presume this is the Sobig virus.

RavAV's been catching it w/o issue:

The following e-mail messages were found to have dangerous content:

     Sender: support at
IP Address:
  Recipient: [chomp]
    Subject: Re: Movie
  MessageID: h4MJ12gC000237
     Report: ./h4MJ12gC000237/your_details.pif  Infected: Win32/Sobig.B at mm
Shortcuts to MS-Dos programs are very dangerous in email

So it was caught based on content and extension.


Craig Pratt
Strongbox Network Services Inc.
mailto:craig at

This message checked for dangerous content by MailScanner on StrongBox.

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