Adding other spam scanners

Bingham, Ryan ryanb at AACRAO.ORG
Tue May 27 18:39:23 IST 2003

I don't think you could use dccm with MailScanner, since MailScanner is
essentially the "client" in this instance and is calling DCC through
SpamAssassin (Julian can correct me if I'm inadvertently spouting

If I remember correctly, all I had to do to get DCC running with
MailScanner was download dcc-dccd-1.1.36, unpack it, run ./configure and
make install, and then make the changes to spam.assassin.prefs.conf
listed below.  After a service MailScanner reload, I noticed DCC checks
showing up in my message headers.

So far it seems to be running well.

Hope that helps.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Albert [mailto:christopher.albert at MCGILL.CA]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 1:24 PM
> Subject: Re: Adding other spam scanners
> Bingham, Ryan wrote:
> >Razor and Pyzor are both free.  All you have to do is install them
> >SpamAssassin will call them automatically from MailScanner.
> >
> >To get DCC to run, make the following changes to your
> >spam.assassin.prefs.conf file:
> >
> >Comment out:
> >score DCC_CHECK 0.0
> >
> >And then add
> >dcc_path /usr/local/bin/dccproc
> >
> >Then just look for DCC_CHECK to show up in your message headers.
> >
> >That should do it.
> >
> >Ryan
> >
> >
> >
> >
> The DCC docs state :
> > Note that it is more efficient to arrange to use a DCC client daemon
> > such as dccm <cid:part1.01080101.01050705 at> to mark passing
> > mail and check /X-DCC/ header lines in the filter than to start and
> > run dccproc <cid:part2.01080500.01030601 at> on each message.
> Do you know if that is easy to change in SA? I looked on the lists and
> found no refs to dccm, nor is X-DCC found in the sa test configs
> Chris

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