bug in zmailer queue processing

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Thu May 22 23:38:08 IST 2003

I've patched the main source.

At 22:18 22/05/2003, you wrote:
>Hi Julian,
>I'm putting in production the first MailScanner+ZMailer installation... I
>obviously just discovered a bug in our code, thankfully, it was quite easy to
>Would you mind patching ZMailer.pm with this?:
>*** ZMailer.pm.ORI      Thu May 22 18:08:36 2003
>--- ZMailer.pm  Thu May 22 18:09:49 2003
>*** 291,296 ****
>--- 291,301 ----
>           $message->{from} = lc($from);
>           $FROMFound = 1; # We have found the sender
>         }
>+       if ($Line =~ /^channel error/) {
>+         $from = "";
>+         $message->{from} = lc($from);
>+         $FROMFound = 1; # We have found the (NULL) sender
>+       }
>         if ($Line =~ /^rcvdfrom /i) {
>           $ip = $Line;
>           #chomp $ip;
>PS: I'll let you know how's it going next week.
>Mariano Absatz
>El Baby
>Make yourself at home! Clean my kitchen.

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at www.MailScanner.biz
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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