Mailscanner leaves two running processes when restarting

Julian Field mailscanner at
Mon May 19 18:57:45 IST 2003

At 18:50 19/05/2003, you wrote:
>Julian Field <mailscanner at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK> writes:
> >>mail     11612  0.1  9.8 23272 12624 ?       S    09:00   0:06
> [mailscanner]
> >>mail     13598  0.6 15.8 23212 20284 ?       S    10:00   0:04
> [mailscanner]
> >>This results in the two running mailscanners trying to scan messages
> >>at the same time:
> >
> > The output of the "ps" command changed completely with a recent glibc
> > upgrade. As a result, check_mailscanner (called by an hourly cron job)
> > totally fails, and attempts to start another MailScanner process. If
> > you want to see how to do it these days, take a look in any recent
> > version of MailScanner and transplant the guts of the current
> > check_mailscanner into your old version.
>The scripts were almost identical.
>However the error came from mailscanner being listed as [mailscanner]
>(probably as some data were swapped out, I guess).

No, this was the result of the recent glibc upgrade. The ps output for
daemons changed rather a lot! MailScanner wasn't the only package to have
problems with this, we had to fix a few other things internally as well IIRC.

>  check_mailscanner
>saw no running mailscanner and spawned a new one - resulting in to
>concurrent mailscanners running.
>I did this change to the script:
>--- check_mailscanner.linux.old Mon May 19 18:44:15 2003
>+++ check_mailscanner.linux     Mon May 19 18:44:46 2003
>@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
>  config=/etc/mailscanner/mailscanner.conf
>  pid=`/bin/ps axww |
>-     /bin/grep '[ ]'$virusdir/$process |
>+     /bin/egrep "([ ]$virusdir/$process|\[mailscanner\])" |
>       /usr/bin/awk '{ print $1 }'`
>  if [ "$pid" = "" ]; then
>    # Restart it
>Now it works whether mailscanner is listed as the right name
>(/usr/sbin/mailscanner here) or as [mailscanner].

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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