directory harvest attack

Craig Pratt craig at STRONG-BOX.NET
Tue May 13 10:38:35 IST 2003

I presume he's talking about collection of addresses in a domain by
opening an SMTP session and attempting sends to common/dictionary names.

I just happened to notice some of this activity in my mail log and
added a reject action for the sender's IP to the sendmail access db. To
automate this would be cool - but I don't think MailScanner even sees
the message - based on how these harvesting tools seem to work.


On Tuesday, May 13, 2003, at 12:49  AM, Julian Field wrote:
> At 03:02 13/05/2003, you wrote:
>> Anyway to prevent 'directory harvest attacks' wtith mailscanner?
> Please explain rather more of what you would like to happen, what the
> problem is, and how it relates to MailScanner.
> --
> Julian Field
> Professional Support Services at
> MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
> --
> This message checked for dangerous content by MailScanner on StrongBox.
Craig Pratt
Strongbox Network Services Inc.
mailto:craig at

This message checked for dangerous content by MailScanner on StrongBox.

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