spamassassin 2.54 released

Peter Bates Peter.Bates at LSHTM.AC.UK
Tue May 13 09:16:57 IST 2003

Hello all...

I notice most interestingly in the ChangeLog for this release of SA:

2003-05-06 06:14  felicity

        * rules/:, bug 1589: spammers have been targeting our nice rules to get themselves negative overall
scores.  ran the GA again to lower the nice rule scores.  this should help deal with the forgeries.  also added a "TOO_MANY_MUA" rule that will catch when multiple USER_AGENT rules hit.

... which goes along with what people have been saying here, and in particular I notice (as I was moaning about it recently:)

score MSGID_GOOD_EXCHANGE -0.498 -0.376 0.0 -0.142

in the default, versus

score MSGID_GOOD_EXCHANGE -5.801 -5.701 -5.701 -5.701

default in 2.53... their system is clearly working quite well!


Peter Bates, Systems Support Officer, Network Support Team.
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
Telephone:0207-958 8353 / Fax: 0207- 636 9838 

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