when is bayes scoring used?

No Name Eric.Doutreleau at int-evry.fr
Tue May 6 14:18:04 IST 2003

Well i have just setup mailscanner 4.20-3 and i have some problemes
with bayes "scoring".

I have the bayes database working as it s modified each time i receive
a mail but when i gor spam i never seen BAYES_DB tag in the scoring of
Is there a minim size of the bayes database in order to be uzed for

Thanks in advance for any help

the command
check_bayes_db -db /var/spool/spamassassin/bayes | head -8
0.000        0        0        0  non-token data: db format = on-the-fly
expiry, scan-counting
0.000        0       16        0  non-token data: nspam
0.000        0     1233        0  non-token data: nham
0.000        0    51394        0  non-token data: ntokens
0.000        0        0        0  non-token data: oldest age
0.000        0     1382        0  non-token data: current scan-count
0.000        0        0        0  non-token data: last expiry scan-count
0.027        0        8      801  english

Eric Doutreleau
I.N.T                   | Tel   : +33 (0) 160764687
9 rue Charles Fourier   | Fax   : +33 (0) 160764321
91011 Evry   France     | email : Eric.Doutreleau at int-evry.fr

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