Failed rpm install

Julian Field mailscanner at
Sat May 3 18:14:27 IST 2003

To start with, try downloading it again and check that you have a correct copy.
The command
         sum mailscanner*rpm
should produce
         40654   563

I haven't changed anything in the way that I package it, other than the
entire distribution comes compressed (i.e. .tar.gz instead of just .tar).

At 17:58 03/05/2003, you wrote:
>Running Redhat 7.2, I get the following after running the script:
>[root at MailScanner-4.20-3]# rpm -Uvh --nodeps
>Preparing...                ###########################################
>Segmentation fault
>[root at MailScanner-4.20-3]#
>Any ideas what could be causing it? I sucessfully installed 2 earlier
>versions:- 4.13-3 and upgraded to 4.14-9 with no problems.
>Thanks in advance,
>Michael Derringer

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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