confirming SPAM

Remco Barendse mailscanner at BARENDSE.TO
Fri Mar 28 09:55:32 GMT 2003

Would it be possible to automate the creation of the accounts and scripts
in the MailScanner install? Maybe make ik ask a question during the

On Fri, 28 Mar 2003, Julian Field wrote:

> At 02:52 28/03/2003, you wrote:
> >Thanks for the input Julian.
> >
> >I have MailScanner working and it is bouncing all spam it finds as well as
> >forwarding it to me as the system admin.
> >
> >I have gotten Razor2 installed and working. I have successfully registered
> >on the network. I am having difficulty with two issues:
> >
> >>Also, using the new Bayes engine in SpamAssassin 2.51 (but I would advise
> >>you to wait for 2.52 release), the anti-spam engine will learn about spam
> >>messages that it got wrong by your users feeding back the spam into the
> >>engine. I have 2 addresses here, "spam" and "notspam", which users bounce
> >>mail to when the spam engine gets it wrong. So its performance improves
> >>with time as it learns lots of new spam.
> >
> >
> >1- You mentioned that you have 2 addresses setup for reporting spam called
> >"spam" and "notspam". I have not found any documentation on how to
> >accomplish this. Do you know where I can find documentation? I would like
> >to make it as easy as possible for Windows users to be able to report spam
> >and forwarding any incorrect messages to an email address would make it a
> >snap (needless to say that I don't want them forwarding to my address).
> Create a couple of local accounts, called "spam" and "notspam" whose
> mailboxes will live on the MailScanner server. The following script makes a
> few assumptions on where things live, but you can easily edit them to suit
> your environment. Create a cron job to run this script every hour or so.
> The "sa-learn" command is a script that comes with SpamAssassin.
> #!/bin/sh
> SPAM=/var/mail/spam
> NOTSPAM=/var/mail/notspam
> TOTAL=.cumulative
> LOGFILE=/var/log/learn.spam.log
> PREFS=/opt/MailScanner/etc/spam.assassin.prefs.conf
> SALEARN=/opt/MailScanner/bin/sa-learn
> date >> $LOGFILE
> if [ -f $SPAM ]; then
>    BOX=${SPAM}.processing
>    mv $SPAM $BOX
>    sleep 5 # Wait for writing current message to complete
>    $SALEARN --prefs-file=$PREFS --spam --mbox $BOX >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
>    cat $BOX >> ${SPAM}${TOTAL}
>    echo >> ${SPAM}${TOTAL}
>    rm -f $BOX
> fi
> if [ -f $NOTSPAM ]; then
>    BOX=${NOTSPAM}.processing
>    mv $NOTSPAM $BOX
>    sleep 5 # Wait for writing current message to complete
>    $SALEARN --prefs-file=$PREFS --ham --mbox $BOX >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
>    cat $BOX >> ${NOTSPAM}${TOTAL}
>    echo >> ${NOTSPAM}${TOTAL}
>    rm -f $BOX
> fi
> >2- I have SpamAssassin working with MailScanner and have not seen any
> >settings or configs for Bayes. How do I turn it on or set it up?
> Make sure you have installed "DB_File" using CPAN. If that fails, you
> probably haven't got BerkeleyDB installed ( Remove the
> "use AnyDBM_File;" statement from the top of
> /usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/ Delete all the database files in
> /root/.spamassassin. Then start up MailScanner again and it should start
> learning Bayes statistics from mail it sees. The default settings for
> SpamAssassin's Bayes filter will work just fine.
> >Thanks for any assistance or info.
> >
> >
> >Dene Ulmschneider
> >Data Techie Inc.
> >-------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >office:         718.738.8859
> >cell:           646.996.2976
> >email:          dene at
> >pager mail:     denenow at
> >website:
> >-------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >"Life is too  should have dessert first"
> >
> >
> >--
> >This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous
> >content by Data Techie, and is believed to be clean.
> >Data Techie... always there to protect you!
> >
> --
> Julian Field
> MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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