additions to spam.assassin.prefs.conf?

Jan-Peter Koopmann Jan-Peter.Koopmann at SECEIDOS.DE
Thu Mar 27 08:19:24 GMT 2003

> >    Could the following items be added to 
> spam.assassin.prefs.conf for 
> >the next edition, so that SA doesn't scribble 
> bayes/whitelist files in 
> >the root directory, ie /.spamassassin?
> >
> ># specify a path for whitelist and bayes DB files
> >auto_whitelist_path        /var/spool/spamassassin/auto-whitelist
> >auto_whitelist_file_mode   0644
> >bayes_path                 /var/spool/spamassassin/bayes
> >bayes_file_mode            0644

Sounds good to me.

> The snag is that this will break people's (including mine) 
> already-built bayes databases. It would also involve the 
> creation of /var/spool/spamassassin which is awkward for the 
> tar distribution.

Agreed but not for the FreeBSD port... :-) I hopefully will find some
time tomorrow to update the port a bit. I will either simply create the
directory and patch those lines into spam.assassin.prefs.conf (probably
commented though) or will make this an install option.

> I could however add them but leave them commented out with a 
> note about why you might want them. Then when people suffer 
> their root fs filling up, they will find the comment in the conf file.

That you should do!


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