Infinite Monkeys and spamassassin

Matt Kettler mkettler at EVI-INC.COM
Tue Mar 18 20:02:22 GMT 2003

Julian is correct that SA by default does not include infinite monkeys in
the list of RBLs.

If you're going to add rules, add them to your /etc/mail/ or your
MailScanner spam.assassin.prefs.conf. Whatever you do, don't add them to
any file /usr/share/spamassassin/.

Also note that just telling SA "skip_rbl_checks = 0" is NOT enough to
enable RBL checks. In particular, if you don't have the perl module
"Net::DNS" installed, it can't possibly do RBL checks.

Try running the command line spamassassin with debug output on (ie:
spamassassin -D <sample-nonspam.txt).. look at the debug output.. you
should see this line somewhere in the first 10 or so debug lines:

debug: is Net::DNS::Resolver unavailable? 0

If it says 1, you need to use cpan to install Net::DNS to use RBLs.

At 09:55 AM 3/18/2003 +0000, Julian Field wrote:
>Take a look at /usr/share/spamassassin/ You need to create
>a new rule something along these lines:
>header RCVD_IN_INFINITE_MONKEYS  rbleval:check_rbl('relay',
>describe RCVD_IN_INFINITE_MONKEYS Received via a relay in
>score RCVD_IN_INFINITE_MONKEYS        5.00
>This will have to go in the SpamAssassin configuration file (other people
>on the list will be able to give you an exact location).
>At 09:25 18/03/2003, you wrote:
>>Spam which slips through (score less than 5) is often identified by the
>>Infinite-Monkeys RBL. Because i wanted this to add to the score i told
>>spamassassin to also do RBL checks (skip_rbl_checks 0), but apparently
>>spamassassin doesn'r use the Infinite-Monkeys list because the score stays
>>  X-AMC-SpamCheck: spam, Infinite-Monkeys, SpamAssassin (score=3.3,
>> vereist 5,
>>  X-AMC-SpamScore: sss
>Julian Field
>MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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