Archiving Human Readable Messages

Lance Ware lance at WARE.NET
Sun Mar 16 19:34:48 GMT 2003

I've just installed MailScanner, first I'd like to say thanks to Julian
and the rest of the contributors - it looks to be a great project. In
combination with SpamAssasin it's already catching 200+ SPAMs a day for
I'm using it to front end my Qmail/Vpopmail system so it runs on a
separate box with a mailertable entry (I couldn't move the main box
because it hosts email for some 200+ domains that I don't want to filter
just yet). 
Now the challenge - I've got a number of "spam pots" which I'd like to
use to increase the hit rate for spam detection. 
My initial plan for this was to use the "archive" feature of MailScanner
to log all the mails to these various dead email addresses. I got that
setup ok, but it's creating the 2 queue files per email. I've tried
tinkering with:
Quarantine Whole Messages As Queue Files = no
But so far I've been unsuccessful in simply archiving the full text of
the message.
Since most of my users are on Windows with Outlook 2002 or OE it's not
very easy to bounce mail back for adding to the Bayesian filters and
Any tips on getting the archiving to a single file to work are greatly
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