[MAILSCANNER] Corrupt pgp-signed messages

Rick Emery rick at emery.homelinux.net
Sat Mar 15 16:34:31 GMT 2003

Quoting Julian Field <mailscanner at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK>:

> I would like to see the difference in the MIME structure between what
> MailMan does and what MailScanner does. I just add the signature on to the
> end of the first in-line text+html segments of the message, which will be
> what you see. So the signature should be put in place after the signature,
> and therefore hopefully outside the signed portion of the message.

Would this involve just forwarding the sample message to you? How can I view the
mime structure of a message? I'm sorry, but my technical knowledge of this is
pretty spare. However, your explanation above makes sense.

What I'm seeing is that MailScanner is attaching its signature at the end of the
first in-line text segment of the message (exactly as you desribed above). I
think the problem is that that is the signed part of the message. If I'm
understanding this correctly, a signed message has (at least) two mime parts;
the message, and the pgp signature. It looks like MailMan might add a third
part, the text signature for the mailing list.

> The other alternative is by using the Subject: line modification feature
> (e.g. add "{Scanned}" on the end of the subject line).

I'm not too worried about this; it isn't mission critical and, as I said, I know
the messages are being scanned because of the headers being added. I just
thought the signature was cool.

Thanks for your help, and a *great* product, and if I can provide any additional
information or troubleshoot it further, please let me know.


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