Cobalt RaQ4r MailScanner Queries

John Thewlis john at OFIZ.COM
Wed Mar 12 10:26:22 GMT 2003


I am finalising the install of MailScanner and SpamAssassin on a Cobalt
RaQ4r, and need some advice from anyone who has done these installs on a
Cobalt RaQ4 box. Any help would be much appreciated.

1   Has anyone installed any other virus scanner other than f-prot, e.g.
Sophos, and if so do you have an install guide or Cobalt specific gotchas
that I need to be aware of to add these additional virus scanners?

2   Has anyone added any additional blacklists to improve the accuracy of
Spam identification, as lots of Spam is still getting through our box with
the spam setting at 5?

3   Has anyone installed MailScanner-MRTG for monitoring the MailScanner on
a Cobalt RaQ4, and if so, in what directory did you install it, and what
changes did you need to make to any other system files to get it working?

Again, many thanks for any help you might be able to offer.


John Thewlis

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