endless respawning with SA enabled

Jan-Peter Koopmann Jan-Peter.Koopmann at SECEIDOS.DE
Tue Mar 11 13:59:50 GMT 2003

Hi Tal,

> I did some more tests, and it looks like it's dieing in SA.pm in
compile_now (dropped log messages in there,
> no AWL, makes the object, stops at compile_now) when run in debug
mode, no errors or anything, just quits.
> user is root, has a home, and SA works on it's own.

I did not get the debug mode to work with MailScanner. Simply quits. Try
something like this in SpamAssassin.pm

sub dbg {
  my $dbg=$Mail::SpamAssassin::DEBUG;

  #return unless $dbg->{enabled};
  my ($msg, $codepath, $level) = @_;

  $msg=join('',@{$msg}) if (ref $msg);

  if (defined $codepath) {
    if (not defined $dbg->{$codepath}) {
      warn("dbg called with codepath $codepath, but it's not defined,
skipping (message was \"$msg\"\n");
      return 0;
    } elsif (not defined $level) {
      warn("dbg called with codepath $codepath, but no level threshold
(message was \"$msg\"\n");
  # Negative levels are just level numbers, the more negative, the more
  return if (defined $level and $level<0 and not $dbg->{$codepath} <=
  # Positive levels are bit fields
  return if (defined $level and $level>0 and not $dbg->{$codepath} &

  # LOG  

  if ( open(DBGFILE, ">>/tmp/sa.log") ) {
    print DBGFILE $msg . "\n";

  warn "debug: $msg\n";


Notice the # in front of the return. This will "turn on" debugging even
though SA is not in debug mode. This will create a /tmp/sa.log file with
all debuggin output of SA. Once you have this output, look for error
messages or send a copy of it here.


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