SA2.50 problems

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Mar 5 11:03:28 GMT 2003

At 10:57 05/03/2003, you wrote:
>For info,
>SA2.50 (with patch)
>Razor 2.22
>This morning we had the following errors in our mail.log
>Mar  5 10:20:05 mailhub1 MailScanner[1321]: Creating hardcoded
>struct_flock subroutine for linux (Linux-type)
>Mar  5 10:20:06 mailhub1 MailScanner[1306]: SpamAssassin timed out and
>was killed, consecutive failure 1 of 20
>Mar  5 10:20:22 mailhub1 MailScanner[1353]: Using locktype = posix
>Mar  5 10:20:22 mailhub1 MailScanner[1353]: Creating hardcoded
>struct_flock subroutine for linux (Linux-type)
>Mar  5 10:20:38 mailhub1 MailScanner[1306]: SpamAssassin timed out and
>was killed, consecutive failure 2 of 20
>Mar  5 10:20:38 mailhub1 MailScanner[1354]: Using locktype = posix
>Mar  5 10:20:38 mailhub1 MailScanner[1354]: Creating hardcoded
>struct_flock subroutine for linux (Linux-type)
>Mar  5 10:20:55 mailhub1 MailScanner[1355]: Using locktype = posix
>Mar  5 10:20:55 mailhub1 MailScanner[1355]: Creating hardcoded
>struct_flock subroutine for linux (Linux-type)
>Mar  5 10:21:09 mailhub1 MailScanner[1306]: SpamAssassin timed out and
>was killed, consecutive failure 3 of 20
>Mar  5 10:21:40 mailhub1 MailScanner[1306]: SpamAssassin timed out and
>was killed, consecutive failure 4 of 20
>Mar  5 10:22:12 mailhub1 MailScanner[1306]: SpamAssassin timed out and
>was killed, consecutive failure 5 of 20
>I went back to SA2.44 and all is well...
>Strangely, another box with the same config is fine!

There is still a problem with 2.50. However, I haven't been able to get
access to a machine that will reliably time out with this problem, so I
haven't been able to investigate it. If someone can get a bunch of mail
messages that cause the timeout, on a system that suffers from it, then I
might be able to get to the cause of it. Unless I can find the problem, it
may not be fixed for 2.51, which would be A Bad Thing (tm).
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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