Newbie to Mailscanner
Chris Chow
Mon Mar 3 11:32:55 GMT 2003
Dear all,
I am interesting in using Mailscanner software to protect our email
system. We are using Red Hat 7.3 and sendmail. I think using RPM to
install this software will not be difficult. I am just a bit confuse
about the concept of this software.
Mailscanner scan incoming emails for virus, where does it get the virus
pattern files. We are using Trend server protect for another server (win
2000) , does it mean I copy the pattern from this server, or do we copy
the pattern from our desktop? I don't suppose there are virus pattern
that is free to download?
Secondly if I need to subscribe to anti-virus software vendor to get the
pattern, maybe I can install that software for virus protection on
server. I think Trend have linux version of anti-virus software call
InterScan Messaging Security Suite to handle this task.
I am sorry for listing this simple/basic question, I did search the
listing but couldn't found the answer.
Chris Chow
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