postfix compatability?

Peter Bates Peter.Bates at LSHTM.AC.UK
Sun Mar 2 11:31:59 GMT 2003

Hello all...

> mailscanner at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK 03/01/03 20:02 PM >>>
>Exim is *fairly* easy to configure. I can probably give you some >help if you need it. Get Exim built first, then I guess we need to >set it up so that it listens on port 25, with postfix listening on >port 26. You will have to get postfix listening on port 26 >yourself, I don't know how to do that.

Running Postfix still as I am, I can say the answer is in Postfix's '' (this controls the transports, where controls mosts other things).

There is a line in saying:

smtp    inet    n       -       y       -       -       smtpd

where 'smtp' is the name in /etc/services:
smtp            25/tcp          mail

... you could either change 25 to 26 in /etc/services and probably break various things on your system, add a reference to 'smtp-new' in /etc/services, or just change 'smtp' to '26' in the line from

Clear as mud!

If I was a bit more savvy I'd like to help adding Postfix support to MailScanner, but at the moment it looks like I'll be switching my favourite MTA (at the moment) to Exim (which may of course then become my favourite MTA!)...

Peter Bates, Systems Support Officer, Network Support Team.
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
Telephone:0207-958 8353 / Fax: 0207- 636 9838 

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