Memory usage of mailscanner and mailwatch

kfliong kfliong at WOFS.COM
Thu Jun 26 09:45:17 IST 2003

Hi all,

I just learned a new command "top".

 From this command, you can see usage of resources on your system.

I found out that mailscanner and mysql (possibly used by mailwatch) are
using a lot of memory.

19344 root      14   0 23448  21M 13680 D    12.0  4.4   0:00 MailScanner
12711 root       9   0 21964  20M 13656 S     0.0  4.0   0:02 MailScanner
13834 root       8   0 21964  20M  4052 S     0.0  4.0   0:02 MailScanner
15434 root       8   0 21804  20M  4040 S     0.2  4.0   0:01 MailScanner
16427 root       8   0 21452  19M  4116 S     0.0  3.9   0:01 MailScanner
11109 root       8   0 21824  17M  4096 S     0.0  3.5   0:03 MailScanner
27444 mysql     15  10 15864 9.8M  7040 S N   0.0  1.9   1:29 mysqld
27446 mysql     13  10 15864 9.8M  7040 S N   0.0  1.9   1:36 mysqld
27447 mysql     15  10 15864 9.8M  7040 S N   0.0  1.9   0:03 mysqld
27448 mysql     15  10 15864 9.8M  7040 S N   0.0  1.9   0:00 mysqld
18864 mysql     15  10 15864 9.8M  7040 S N   0.0  1.9   0:00 mysqld
18993 mysql     15  10 15864 9.8M  7040 S N   0.0  1.9   0:00 mysqld
19210 mysql     15  10 15864 9.8M  7040 S N   0.0  1.9   0:00 mysqld
19236 mysql     15  10 15864 9.8M  7040 S N   0.0  1.9   0:00 mysqld

How come there are so many copy of MailScanner running? Is it that each of
the MailScanner process is processing one email? That means that at
instance my system is processing 6 emails, right?

Also, notice that mysqld is also running a few of itself. Could it be
mailwatch? I am not blaming mailwatch or anything, just curious to know.

Thanks in advance.

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