spam black/white lists case sensitive?

Julian Field mailscanner at
Sat Jun 14 17:41:34 IST 2003

At 17:29 14/06/2003, you wrote:
>RedHat's sendmail-8.12.8-5.80 that comes with RH8.0
>On Sat, 14 Jun 2003, Julian Field wrote:
> > What MTA are you using?
> >
> > At 17:05 14/06/2003, you wrote:
> > >I'm using MS 4.20-3 and noticed that some blacklisted mail is not being
> > >tagged / filtered.
> > >
> > >My spam blacklist is all in lowercase, whereas the sender's domain name
> > >uses uppercase letters as well.
> > >
> > >I have this in my blacklist file:
> > >From:          yes
> > >
> > >The spammer is sending mail from
> > >
> > >Are these lists case sensitive?

Before it stores the sender address of the mail, it converts it to lower-case:
         $message->{from} = lc($from);
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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