Sophos-autoupdate on FreeBSD

Martin Hepworth maxsec at TOTALISE.CO.UK
Tue Jun 10 14:09:08 IST 2003

Marco Obaid wrote:
> Hi Martin,
>>If you want my version, or Julian wants me to create a patch file then
>>let me know..
> Would you please send me your copy?
> On a related topic, Sophos has two versions for FreeBSD. I used
> freebsd.elf.tar.Z but there is a note in the manual about:
> "FreeBSD 4 and above: you may need to install the FreeBSD version 3.x
> compatibility libraries on your system." But they do not tell you how to
> install this compatibility library. Did you have to install it?
> Can I install the linux version of Sophos on FreeBSD? I tried it and it seemed
> to be working. However, I have not been able to get sophos-autoupdate to work.
> Thank you
> Marco
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the elf one should work fine without anything the sweep
command on a directory to prove it.

You'll also need to run the Sophos.install script beforehand to put
Sophos where MS expects it.


-------------- next part --------------

use Sys::Syslog;

$SophosRoot = "/usr/local/Sophos";
$IDELink    = "$SophosRoot/ide";
$VDLDir     = "../lib";

#$Lynx = "/usr/local/bin/lynx -dump";
$Lynx = "/usr/bin/wget -q -O-"; # On Linux use this
$Unzip = "/usr/bin/unzip -joqq";
$rm = "/bin/rm";
$LockFile = "/tmp/SophosBusy.lock";

$LOCK_SH = 1;
$LOCK_EX = 2;
$LOCK_NB = 4;
$LOCK_UN = 8;

Sys::Syslog::openlog("Sophos-autoupdate", 'pid, nowait', 'mail');

# Work out the current VDL (and hence Sophos Sweep) version number
chdir "$SophosRoot/bin/$VDLDir";
opendir(LIBDIR, ".") || &BailOut("Cannot open Sophos/lib directory");
foreach $vdlname (sort readdir(LIBDIR)) {
        next unless $vdlname =~ /^vdl-(\d+)\.(\d+)([a-z]?)\.dat$/;
        $MajorVer = $1;
        $MinorVer = $2;
        $NSVFlag  = $3;
&BailOut("Could not calculate Sophos version number")
  unless defined($MajorVer) && defined($MinorVer);
$SophosVersion = "$MajorVer$MinorVer";
$VDLVersion = "$MajorVer.$MinorVer";

# Derive other variables, filenames and URLs from the version numbers
$ZipName = $SophosVersion . "";
$URL  = "$ZipName";

($min,$hour,$date,$month,$year) = (localtime)[1,2,3,4,5];
$IDEDir = $SophosRoot. "/idenew";

# If the directory already exists, then we have already done the update
# for today, so quietly exit.
Sys::Syslog::syslog('info', "Sophos already up-to-date"),exit 0 if -d $IDEDir;
umask 0022;
mkdir $IDEDir, 0755;
chdir $IDEDir or &BailOut("Cannot cd $IDEDir, $!");

# Fetch and unpack the IDE zip file from Sophos
#print STDERR "URL is $URL\n";
$result = system("$Lynx $URL > $ZipName");
if (($result>>8)==1) {
  Sys::Syslog::syslog('err', "Your Sophos installation may be too old. Please install the latest release of Sophos");
  print STDERR "Your Sophos installation may be too old. Please install the latest release of Sophos";
&BailOut("Lynx failed with error return " . ($result>>8) . "\n") if $result>>8;

$result = system("$Unzip $ZipName");
if ($result>>8) {
  Sys::Syslog::syslog('err', "Unzipping the new Sophos IDE files failed. This may well be because your Sophos installation is too old. Please install the latest release of Sophos");
  print STDERR "Unzipping the new Sophos IDE files failed. This may well be because your Sophos installation is too old. Please install the latest release of Sophos";
  &BailOut("Unzip failed with error return " . ($result>>8) . "\n");

symlink("$VDLDir/vdl-$VDLVersion$NSVFlag.dat", "vdl.dat");

# Add the new vdl*.vdb files if they are there
foreach $number (1..99) {
  $string = "vdl" . sprintf("%02d", $number) . ".vdb";
  symlink("$VDLDir/$string", $string) if -f "$VDLDir/$string";

# Link in this new directory to Sophos
#chdir $SophosRoot or &BailOut("Cannot cd $SophosRoot, $!");
#$OldLinkTarget = readlink $IDELink;
$IDEold = $SophosRoot . "/ideold";
system("$rm -rf $IDEold");
rename $IDELink,  $IDEold;
rename $IDEDir,  $IDELink;
#unlink $IDELink if -l $IDELink;
#symlink $IDEDir, $IDELink;
#system("$rm -rf $OldLinkTarget") if defined $OldLinkTarget && -e $OldLinkTarget;
Sys::Syslog::syslog('info', "Sophos successfully updated in $IDEDir");
exit 0;

sub BailOut {
        Sys::Syslog::syslog('err', @_);
        warn "@_, $!";
        chdir $SophosRoot or die "Cannot cd $SophosRoot, $!";
        system("$rm -rf $IDEDir") if -d $IDEDir;
        exit 1;

sub LockSophos {
        open(LOCK, ">$LockFile") or return;
        flock(LOCK, $LOCK_EX);
        print LOCK "Locked for updating Sophos IDE files by $$\n";

sub UnlockSophos {
        print LOCK "Unlocked after updating Sophos IDE files by $$\n";
        unlink $LockFile;
        flock(LOCK, $LOCK_UN);
        close LOCK;

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