Permission on the quarantine directories

Denis Beauchemin Denis.Beauchemin at USHERBROOKE.CA
Mon Jul 28 14:30:24 IST 2003


You could put something like this in root's crontab (that's what I did):
2-59/5 7-23 * * * (chown -R /quarantine/*; chmod -R g+rx /quarantine/*)

Le lun 28/07/2003 à 09:06, Magda Hewryk a écrit :
> Hi,
> I really would like to be able to change permissions on quarantine
> directory and force MailScanner to drop attachments with the specific
> permissions.
> I've tried to set GID on quarantine directory and set group to Operations
> (ops) but it doesn't help because  directories creates by MailScanner
> inside the qurantine direcotory are created with "S" for group which means
> to executable permission for group.
> drwxrws---   40 root     ops          4096 Jul 28 08:20 quarantine
> /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/
>    4 drwx--S---   11 root     ops          4096 Jul 24 23:56 20030724
>    4 drwx--S---   20 root     ops          4096 Jul 25 19:48 20030725
>    4 drwx--S---    5 root     ops          4096 Jul 26 22:27 20030726
>    4 drwx--S---    9 root     ops          4096 Jul 27 22:07 20030727
>    4 drwx--S---    3 root     ops          4096 Jul 28 08:20 20030728
Denis Beauchemin, analyste
Université de Sherbrooke, S.T.I.
T: 819.821.8000x2252 F: 819.821.8045

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