Vexing problem

David dh at UPTIME.AT
Wed Jul 23 00:00:45 IST 2003

On Mittwoch, Juli 23, 2003, at 12:58  Uhr, Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:

> Hi!
>>> Everyday around peak time the upgraded system starts to get backed 
>>> up.
>>> The incoming queue goes from a normal 2-4 message count up to 1000+.
>>> Restarting MS will begin clearing this out.
>> What are your MailScanner concurrency, batch size, and maximum age 
>> settings?
> On two of my boxes:
> Max Children = 16
Geeze, does that run on a Sun Fire ? ;)


-- nee amata wo mitsukete soshite midoto wasrezu
    domma mi mumega itakutemo soba mi iru mo
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