Allow multiple filename extensions?

Tom Combs combs at
Fri Jul 11 14:58:13 IST 2003


  I'm not clear on the need for denying multiple filename extensions.
  It seems if an attachment contained a virus, it would be checked by
  the virus scanner and either caught or cleared regardless of the
  extension.  Does having multiply filename extensions somehow
  circumvent this process?

  I'm considering dropping this ruleset:

deny    \.[a-z][a-z0-9]{2,3}\s*\.[a-z0-9]{3}$   Found possible filename hiding
                        Attempt to hide real filename extension

  Is this a mistake?

  Thanks for the help!    --Tom Combs

Tom Combs                                      E-mail: combs at
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory        Phone:  (850) 644-1657
1800 E. Paul Dirac Drive                       Tallahassee, FL 32310

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