How can I exclude exe attachment from single email address

Julian Field mailscanner at
Fri Jul 4 11:01:29 IST 2003

At 10:41 04/07/2003, you wrote:
> > >Is there a simple way to DISABLE filename rules for a domain or sender ?
> > >I tried to set it empty for some domains, or to 'no' but that didnt work
> > Use a filename.special.rules.conf that starts with
> > allow   .       -       -
> >
> > That rule will match every filename and allow it.
>That i have now, but would it be possible to just let that empty in the
>config ?

Probably, yes. It allows filenames by default. I haven't tried it myself
but I think it should work.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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