How can I exclude exe attachment from single email address

Ken Anderson ka at PACIFIC.NET
Thu Jul 3 22:24:01 IST 2003

I didn't know you could nest rulesets like that!
So instead of something like this:
Required SpamAssassin Score = 5

I could use this:
Required SpamAssassin Score = /etc/MailScanner/spam.threshold.rules

Then in spam.threshold.rules:

# a custom function that talks to mysql for some users,
# letting users tweak their settings to their hearts content.
To: boss at  &ByLowSAScore
To: peon at  &ByLowSAScore
To: lacky at &ByLowSAScore
To: *     &ByLowSAScore

# a normal user
To: default /etc/MailScanner/spam.defaultthreshold.rules

I like it!


Kevin Spicer wrote:

> On Thu, 2003-07-03 at 21:50, Jeff Falgout wrote:
> Been down that road  . . .lost that argument.
> Yes, rule sets. . .
> Can you allow only a single type of attachment, or do you just turn off
> virus scanning for that email address?
> Filename Rules=/etc/MailScanner/rules/filename.rules.rules
> in that file
> From: fussy at ss.who.must.send.exes /etc/MailScanner/filename.rules.exeok
> From: default /etc/MailScanner/filename.rules.conf
> Copy filename.rules.conf to filename.rules.exeok and change the deny
> next to exe to allow.
> BMRB International
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