McAfee Auto Update

Denis Beauchemin Denis.Beauchemin at USHERBROOKE.CA
Wed Jul 2 14:02:46 IST 2003

I keep telling everybody that whenever my McAfee DAT files are updated I
get an email.  It is true but it is because I asked it to...

For people who would be interested, here is how I do it in root's
# McAfee update
17,47 * * * * /usr/lib/MailScanner/mcafee-autoupdate 2>&1 | /usr/local/bin/post-cron-results "$(uname -n) : MAJ McAfee" me at

The /usr/local/bin/post-cron-results script looks like this (I just did
a quick translation to English):
# Script sending text received on stdin by email to all recipients listed
# on the command line (separated by spaces).  Subject of the message is the
# first parameter on the command line.
# Denis Beauchemin, le 20001011.

/bin/cat - > /tmp/poste-resultats.$$

if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then
        echo "Error! Wrong number of paramèters for ${0##*/}"
        echo "Use: ${0##*/} \"Subjet of the message\" destination [ destination ]"

if [[ -s /tmp/poste-resultats.$$ ]]; then
   /bin/mail -s "$sujet" "$*" < /tmp/poste-resultats.$$

rm /tmp/poste-resultats.$$

Basically, this script (which works just fine on all my Red Hat boxes)
won't send you any email if the command feeding it input doesn't produce
any.  Useful in cron files because you otherwise always get an email (or
never get any if you redirect everything in /dev/null).

So it looks like I am still paranoid and am still looking for updates
twice every hour! ;-)


Le lun 30/06/2003 à 15:45, Denis Beauchemin a écrit :
> Wouldn't it be risky to not update as soon as an updated DAT file is
> released?
> Maybe I'm paranoid but before your cron.hourly script I used to call my
> own autoupdate script every 30 minutes!
> Denis
> Le lun 30/06/2003 à 15:31, Julian Field a écrit :
> > Wouldn't it just be easier to move update_virus_scanners from the
> > cron.hourly directory to the cron.daily directory?
> > 
> > At 20:24 30/06/2003, you wrote:
> > >Hello Julian,
> > >
> > >I have MailScanner installed on may Linux working with McAfee only.
> > >
> > >To avoid auto-update to run every hour, i've disable the script
> > >update_virus_scanners on my cron.hourly and create a call to
> > >mcafee-autoupdate script on may crontab file to run every day at 01:00am.
> > >I've been checked every day and there seems to be no problem on the
> > >mcafee-autoupdate script.
> > >I just want to confirm if you see any problem with that configuration.
> > >
> > >Thanks.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >Rodrigo Scarano
> > >Target Sistemas
> > >
> > >rscarano at
> > 
> > --
> > Julian Field
> >
> > Professional Support Services at
> > MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
Denis Beauchemin, analyste
Universit�de Sherbrooke, S.T.I.
T: 819.821.8000x2252 F: 819.821.8045

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