sendmail 8.12.7 squawking after MS 4.11-1 upgrade

Julian Field mailscanner at
Thu Jan 23 18:19:43 GMT 2003

At 17:27 23/01/2003, you wrote:
>Julian Field wrote:
>>At 17:03 23/01/2003, I wrote:
>>>I think I'd call randomly deleting body text 'nasty'.
>>This is the first time (in this thread) that you have mentioned that it is
>>definitely deleting body text. No-one else appears to have said (in this
>>thread) that it is deleting body text either.
>(Un)lucky coincidence - I installed 4.11 today and was getting the
>following in the log:
>Jan 23 16:47:22 hplb Mailscanner: Virus and Content Scanning: Starting
>Jan 23 16:47:22 hplb Mailscanner: New Batch: Found 2 messages waiting
>Jan 23 16:47:22 hplb Mailscanner: New Batch: Scanning 1 messages, 4428 bytes
>Jan 23 16:47:22 hplb sendmail[27333]: SYSERR(root): File descriptors
>missing on startup: stdout, stderr: Bad file number
>Jan 23 16:47:22 hplb sendmail[27333]: NOQUEUE:   0: fl=0x0, mode=20666:
>CHR: dev=64/65539, ino=1680, nlink=1, u/gid=2/2, size=0
>Jan 23 16:47:22 hplb sendmail[27333]: NOQUEUE:   1: fl=0x1, mode=20666:
>CHR: dev=64/65539, ino=1680, nlink=1, u/gid=2/2, size=0
>Jan 23 16:47:22 hplb sendmail[27333]: NOQUEUE:   2: fl=0x1, mode=20666:
>CHR: dev=64/65539, ino=1680, nlink=1, u/gid=2/2, size=0
>Jan 23 16:47:22 hplb sendmail[27333]: NOQUEUE:   3: fl=0x10001,
>mode=10666: FIFO: dev=64/65539, ino=1983, nlink=1, u/gid=0/0, size=2048

This still only appears to happen on some OS's. In 4.11 you can try
commenting out the 3 close() calls in /usr/sbin/MailScanner. I need to
re-open these filehandles and tie them to /dev/null to keep sendmail happy.

>... So I had a poke through the list-archive and found this thread.
>The rest of the log appeared to say that messages were being delivered
>rather than dropped on the floor, so I didn't revert immediately.
>>Exactly what do you think is going on? Can you produce some evidence that
>>it is deleting body text?
>[ Message excerpt follows ]
>Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 16:45:18 -0000
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
>Content-Type: text/plain;
>        charset="iso-8859-1"
>X-MailScanner: Found to be clean
>Error initialising detection engine - missing main virus data

That is Sophos failing to work properly. Did you install it using
Sophos.install? Does
         /usr/lib/MailScanner/sophos-wrapper .
correctly scan the current directory? (don't forget the "." on the end of
the command above)

>Edinburgh, Lisbon, London.
>[ Rest of meeting request elided ]
>I'll take a stab in the dark and guess that the one line is from Sophos.
>It may well be that this is only going to happen when the AV code
>attempts to report an internal error. (which should have gone to stderr?)

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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