Quarantine Mails - feature request

Steve Freegard steve.freegard at LBSLTD.CO.UK
Wed Feb 26 23:46:07 GMT 2003

Further from the S/MIME quarantine request - I often find myself wanting to
be able to quarantine mails that come under a specific criteria e.g. From or
To a specific address, or with a specific subject or regular expression.

As an example - we had a very clever Outlook user who decided he would
set-up his out-of-office assistant to forward all his mail to his home
account while he was on extended leave - he then decided to cut off his
service with the ISP that he forwarded his mail to.  When he then received a
mail - it bounced to the out-of-office assistant, which tried to forward it
back to his old ISP which bounced again, and again .... you get the picture.

Obviously we disabled his SMTP address under Outlook - but it still took a
while for the mail from the ISP to subside and as this was a remote user at
a remote site - it took quite some time to work out what he'd done - so if
we could have stopped it at the gateway and had a look at the mails - it
would have saved a lot of time.

This would definitely be a welcome addition for me.


Steve Freegard
Systems Manager
Littlehampton Book Services Ltd.
Tel: +44 (0)1903 82 8594
Fax: +44 (0)1903 82 8620

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