Spamassassin 2.50 & SQL logging

Fri Feb 21 15:41:54 GMT 2003

On Fri, 2003-02-21 at 14:33, Julian Field wrote:
> At 13:06 21/02/2003, you wrote:
> >Also - I was wondering if anyone had tried getting MailScanner to log to a
> >MySQL database?? - I was looking at the and was thinking
> >that I could create a custom function that would connect to the database and
> >do something like 'INSERT INTO maillog VALUES
> >('$message->{id}','$message->{size}','$message->{from}' etc..)' - or is this
> >just a really bad idea??  The existing software we use does this into an
> >Access database but we don't use it because it causes too much overhead, but
> >I thought Perl's DBI/DBD and MySQL would probably be much more efficient
> >than Access/ODBC!
> You are still talking a database "insert" for every batch of messages.
> That's going to carry a fair sized overhead. How about writing them to a
> file and then periodically pushing the file data into a database?

How reasonable would it be to just insert entries when a virus or spam
is found?

Simon Dick                      simon at

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