SpamAssassin 2.50 Released

Julian Field mailscanner at
Thu Feb 20 17:20:52 GMT 2003

I have tried the CVS versions and had no real problems.
I have just installed the released version.

The spamc and spamd tests had trouble, but MailScanner doesn't care about
those anyway. And if you have any trouble testing with the "spamassassin"
script and sample-nonspam.txt / sample-spam.txt then just copy the 3 files
to /tmp and run them from there and they are fine.

It is now running live on 2 systems, I will let you know of any problems.

At 15:26 20/02/2003, you wrote:
>SA 2.50 has now been released.  I'd interested in any feedback from those
>who decide to try it out.

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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