MailScanner continously respawns without processing

Paul Hansen phvt at EMAIL.COM
Sat Feb 15 18:33:36 GMT 2003

> >Julian Field wrote:
> > > Did you happen to work out exactly where in SA::initialise it
> > > and/or why?
> >
> >I now have this code in MailScanner::SA::initialise():
> >
> >MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("SA: SAspamtest->compile_now()...");
> >$MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest->compile_now();
> >MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("SA:
> >$MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest->read_scoreonly_config($prefs);
> >MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("SA: Done with initialise()");
> >
> >I never see the "SA: SAspamtest->read_scoreonly_config..." line in
> >maillog, so it appears the compile_now() call is failing.
> Okay, yet another thing to try. As you are using Exim, MailScanner is
> being
> run as some other user (possibly "mail"?). Does "mail" have a home
> directory that it can write to? The compile_now() might well be trying
> read+write some config files from there.

This fixed it! I don't generally have a homedir for server processes and
I wasn't expecting such a dependency from SA the way I thought
Mailscanner used it. But ~exim/.spamassassin has now been dutifully
created and MailScanner appears to be running properly.

> >I wrote a tiny test program that creates a new SA object (with
> >MailScanner's SA prefs file) and calls compile_now() on it. This
> >fine.
> But was that running as root?

Indeed, it was.


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