Blacklist individual addresses

Willem Kuiters wkuiters at FREE.FR
Tue Feb 11 11:06:38 GMT 2003

'lut ML,

I use a combination of fetchmail exim mailscanner procmail. Since a few
days I keep receiving a whole stack of Yaha-E virusses from one and the
same address. MailScanner catches them all but I wondered if there is no
way to delete mail from certain addresses I predefine before they even
get passed on to MailScanner?

  |\ /|          Willem G.J. Kuiters
  |0 0|
  (/"\)          ---   "The greatest enemy of creativity is   ---
 /     \         ---          good taste" -- Picasso          ---
(( U U ))        ---                                          ---
 " " " "
                 --( 0.0.22)--

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