F-Prot successfully updated.
Peter Peters
P.G.M.Peters at civ.utwente.nl
Thu Feb 6 13:19:02 GMT 2003
I get this message in my log every hour. I didn't believe F-Prot updated
their files this often so I started f-prot-autoupdate by hand. Even when
it reports "Nothing to be done." I get "F-Prot successfully updated."
Could the logging be changed to show whether a real update has taken
place or not?
I tried this patch:
|~> diff -u /usr/lib/MailScanner/f-prot-autoupdate .
|--- /usr/lib/MailScanner/f-prot-autoupdate 2003-02-01 14:50:09.000000000 +0100
|+++ ./f-prot-autoupdate 2003-02-06 14:18:02.000000000 +0100
|@@ -219,7 +219,11 @@
| CleanTempDir();
| &UnlockFProt();
| Sys::Syslog::openlog("F-Prot autoupdate", 'pid, nowait', 'mail');
|-Sys::Syslog::syslog('info', "F-Prot successfully updated.");
|+if ($updated) {
|+ Sys::Syslog::syslog('info', "F-Prot successfully updated.");
|+} else {
|+ Sys::Syslog::syslog('info', "F-Prot didn't need updating.");
| Sys::Syslog::closelog();
| exit 0;
(| added to keep long lines long)
Peter Peters senior netwerkbeheerder
Centrum voor InformatieTechnologie, Bibliotheek en Educatie
Universiteit Twente, Postbus 217, 7500 AE Enschede
telefoon: +31 53 489 2301, fax:+31 53 489 2383, http://www.utwente.nl/civ
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