OT: Thank you

No Name stahl at soest.hawaii.edu
Tue Dec 30 20:46:14 GMT 2003

 And here is a heartfelt mahalo from Hawaii.  Hauoli Makahiki Hou Julian
 and may the new year bring you lots of laughter and joy.

Aloha, Sharon Stahl

| UH/SOEST-Research Computer Fac  vox: (808) 956-2616         |
| 1680 East West Rd- POST820    email: stahl at soest.hawaii.edu |
| Honolulu, Hi 96822              fax: (808) 956-5154         |

> Roland Ehle wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > by end of the year 2003 I would like to express my special thanks to
> > Julian for the work and hours he spent for the benefit of us all. Thanks
> > to his effort MailScanner is a really competive product.
> >
> > I wish you all a successful and happy new year 2004.
> >
> I can only concurr. Let us hope this becomes the longest thread this
> email List has ever seen. Thank you Julian for all the work, effort and
> thought you have put into your Software. Thank you for not making it
> commercial. Thank yo9u for being who you are.
> - -d
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)
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