--Please Help.. can't open tmpfile: Invalid argument

E. Fehrenbach taxi at ARMORY.COM
Sun Dec 28 21:07:00 GMT 2003

Please Help!

We have used MailScanner with no problem until we upgraded to FreeBSD 5.0
from 4.8.

Now we are getting this message in our logs and outgoing email is not
delivered. We searched the archives and have seen several others with
similar problem. Please advise if there is any solution to this problem,
MailScanner has been a fantastic solution for us but downgrading back to
4.8 is not an option.

Cannot parse /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/15871/hBSKjl87015878.header
and , MIME::Parser: can't open tmpfile: Invalid argument

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

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